'; Dustin Johnson Hands At Impact
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  • Dustin Johnson Hands At Impact

    To see dustin johnson grip the club you wouldnt peg him as a world class player.

    Dustin johnson hands at impact. If you suffer from a shut clubface at the top the fix actually lies at the bottom of your swing. By impact his hands are ahead of the ball and the clubface square. Look at how far dustins hands are in front of where they were at setup. This is sometimes called a short thumb grip.

    The switch allowed him to keep his monster length off the tee while improving his accuracyand helped him win a major. Dustin has a lot of forward shaft lean at impact. Dustin johnson also iv keeps his right wrist continuously bent through impact and he doesnt prematurely straighten his right wrist as seen in a rit golfer who uses a right arm throw motion involving an actively straightening right wrist through the immediate impact zone between p7 and p72. Dustin johnsons rookie season 2008 was pretty remarkable.

    In other words his right hand is turned slightly away from the target underneath the handle. Putter reverse overlap neutral left hand strong right hand. The then 24 year old notched a win and four other top 10s and finished fourth in driving distance with a 309 yard average. This likely helps johnson release the putter at impact and into the follow through preventing pushed putts and creating a true roll.

    Well dustin uses an 11 degree driver and its very clear why he needs such a high lofted driver. Dustin johnson also. The only slight oddity in his reverse overlap grip is a right hand thats a little stronger than his neutral left. Finally note that dustin johnson has the same degree of forward shaft lean at impact as keegan bradley even though he has a bowed palmar flexed left wrist and that fact is secondary to the extra amount of left forearm supination that happens during his pa3 release action which counteracts the tendency of his bowed palmar flexed left wrist to also produce forward shaft lean at impact.

    Johnson somehow manages to hit high fades when mortals would produce nothing but hooks with his backswing. Late in 2015 dustin johnson traded his lifelong draw for a fade.



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